Automating your API tests with REST Assured

Hello and welcome to Automating Your API Tests with REST Assured. In this course, we’re going to take a look at the REST Assured library and how you can use it to write powerful, readable, and maintainable tests in Java.

This course will cover:

  • Writing tests in Java using REST Assured and JUnit
  • REST Assured features
  • Parameterization and data driven testing
  • Verifying response headers and bodies
  • Optimizing your test code through reuse
  • (De-)serializing request and response bodies

We’re going to take a look at a number of REST Assured features such as how to apply parameterization to create data driven tests, how to verify response headers and bodies, how to optimize your REST Assured test codes through reuse, and how to apply de-serialization to work with request and response bodies that can be created from Java objects.

In this course I’m not going to cover a whole lot about the background of what RESTful APIs are and what role they play in modern software systems. If you want to know more about Restful APIs, I highly recommend taking a look at Amber Race’s excellent Exploring Service APIs through Test Automation course that’s available on Test Automation U as well.

Learn to automate your API tests using REST Assured

Automating your API tests with REST Assured

Chapter 1 – Introduction to REST Assured
Chapter 2 – Basic Features and Capabilities
Chapter 3 – Parameterizing Your REST Assured Tests
Chapter 4 – Optimizing Your REST Assured Code
Chapter 5 – Working with XML Responses
Chapter 6 – (De-) Serialization of Java Objects in REST Assured Tests

How to Enroll: Network Penetration Testing for Beginners

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  1. Choose your desired certificate program.
  2. Create an account if you don’t have one.
  3. Select specific courses within your chosen program.
  4. Enroll in courses, and pay if necessary.
  5. Access course materials and complete requirements.
  6. Prepare for and take certification exams if required.
  7. Earn your certificate upon successful completion.
  8. Be aware of maintenance or renewal requirements, if applicable.

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Best Of LUCK : )