AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

Welcome to AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials. If you’re new to the cloud, whether you’re in a technical or non-technical role such as finance, legal, sales, marketing, this course will provide you with an understanding of fundamental AWS Cloud concepts to help you gain confidence to contribute to your organization’s cloud initiatives. This course is also the starting point to prepare for your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification whenever it’s convenient for you.

What you’ll learn

  • Understand the working definition of the AWS Cloud

  • Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud

  • Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud

  • Explain the benefits of the AWS Cloud

How to Enroll:AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

Enroll Now

  1. Choose your desired certificate program on the Amazon website.
  2. Create an Amazon if you don’t have one.
  3. Select specific courses within your chosen program.
  4. Enroll in courses, and pay if necessary.
  5. Access course materials and complete requirements.
  6. Prepare for and take certification exams if required.
  7. Earn your certificate upon successful completion.
  8. Be aware of maintenance or renewal requirements, if applicable.

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