Leadership Courses

Connected Leadership | Yale University

Connected Leadership at Yale University : This course is designed to maximize your ability to create change at the individual, team and system levels. Through study, reflection, and deploying practical tools, you will establish a firm connection between your clearly articulated Purpose, effective Priorities, visualized Potential for success, and pathway to maximized Progress. But, what does that mean in practice?

You will be able to: Connected Leadership

  • Improve your ability to get the most out of life: Learn a simple practice to reflect on your purpose, clarify priorities, visualize your potential, and maximize your effectiveness at progressing towards your goals.
  • Strengthen your leadership toolkit: Tap into your unique leadership style and strengths and join or create a community of others to maximize your potential as a team.
  • Create change through systems thinking: Become a more effective agent of positive change and appreciate the power and complexity of system thinking.

Syllabus : Connected Leadership

Improve your ability to get the most out of life
Strengthen your leadership toolkit
Practice and apply systems thinking to plan for change

How to Enroll: Connected Leadership

  1. Choose your desired Leadership program on the University of Harvard website.
  2. Create an account, if you don’t have one.
  3. Select specific courses within your chosen program.
  4. Enroll in courses, and pay if necessary.
  5. Access course materials and complete requirements.
  6. Prepare for and take certification exams if required.
  7. Earn your certificate upon successful completion.
  8. Be aware of maintenance or renewal requirements, if applicable.

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