
What Strengths and Weaknesses Interview To Discuss in a Job

What Strengths and Weaknesses Interview do you have, while discussing strengths and weaknesses in a job interview, it’s important, to be honest, and provide examples to back up your claims.

Here are 39 strengths and weaknesses that you could discuss in a job interview:

Table of Contents


Strengths are positive qualities or attributes that a person possesses that enable them to excel in certain areas.

For example, a person may have strong communication skills, leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, or technical skills that make them effective in their job.

  1. Strong communication skills
  2. Teamwork abilities
  3. Problem-solving skills
  4. Leadership skills
  5. Time-management skills
  6. Adaptability
  7. Creative thinking
  8. Organizational skills
  9. Technical skills
  10. Attention to detail
  11. Positive attitude
  12. Flexibility
  13. Self-motivation
  14. Decision-making skills
  15. Interpersonal skills
  16. Multitasking abilities
  17. Customer service skills
  18. Strategic thinking
  19. Project management skills
  20. Initiative
  21. Conflict resolution skills
  22. Critical thinking
  23. Analytical skills
  24. Work ethic
  25. Ability to learn quickly
  26. Innovation
  27. Resourcefulness
  28. Strong work history
  29. Presentation skills
  30. Emotional intelligence
  31. Strong work ethic
  32. Sales skills
  33. Financial skills
  34. Public speaking abilities
  35. Research skills
  36. Networking abilities
  37. Team building skills
  38. Creative problem solving
  39. Time management skills


Weaknesses, on the other hand, are negative qualities or areas of improvement that a person needs to work on in order to become more effective.

For example, a person may struggle with time management, decision-making, or public speaking, which may impact their ability to perform well in their job or personal life.

  1. Lack of experience in a certain area
  2. Public speaking nerves
  3. Difficulty delegating tasks
  4. Procrastination
  5. Trouble with conflict resolution
  6. Perfectionism
  7. Difficulty with time management
  8. Impatience
  9. Poor writing skills
  10. Difficulty with prioritizing tasks
  11. Difficulty with decision making
  12. Struggle with multitasking
  13. Tendency to micromanage
  14. Difficulty saying no
  15. Being too self-critical
  16. Being too detail-oriented
  17. Struggle with networking
  18. Being too sensitive
  19. Struggle with public speaking
  20. Difficulty adapting to change
  21. Struggle with handling stress
  22. Poor work-life balance
  23. Being too competitive
  24. Overthinking things
  25. Being too emotional
  26. Tendency to procrastinate
  27. Struggle with presenting ideas
  28. Difficulty working in a team
  29. Struggle with making decisions under pressure
  30. Overcommitment to projects
  31. Difficulty accepting criticism
  32. Struggle with asking for help
  33. Poor time management
  34. Struggle with taking risks
  35. Lack of technical skills
  36. Difficulty with conflict resolution
  37. Struggle with setting boundaries
  38. Poor problem-solving skills
  39. Difficulty handling criticism

Remember, it’s important to acknowledge your weaknesses but also show how you’re working to improve them. And when discussing strengths, provide examples of how you’ve used them in the past to achieve success.

It’s important to note that everyone has both strengths and weaknesses, and acknowledging and working on weaknesses can lead to personal and professional growth. It’s also important to recognize and utilize strengths to maximize success in various areas of life.

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